Why We Choose to Be A Dog-Friendly Facility

September 4th, 2018

One common stumbling block many people face when seeking rehabilitation is not wanting to abandon their responsibilities. For some, children and other dependents can be the source of this feeling. For others, not wanting to leave their pets behind can be the factor that’s preventing them from receiving the help necessary for successful rehabilitation.

For many dog owners, their pets are part of the family – sometimes, a dog may be the only friend that someone facing substance abuse or addiction has. Leaving their dog behind can be a heartbreaking process. This is one reason why Windmill Wellness Ranch provides a dog-friendly treatment facility, allowing pets to accompany their owners to rehab.

Benefits of Having a Pet With You During Rehab

Rehabilitation is not an easy process. It takes dedication to get better. While rehab facilities can help provide a lot of the support needed to make it through this process successfully, having a pet present can bring even more benefits, such as general improvements to mental and physical health.

Pets Can Help to Improve Mental and Physical Health

Studies show that interacting with animals can have positive effects on mood, mental health and stress reduction. The company of a welcoming and receptive pet contributes to a more balanced state of mind by boosting serotonin and oxytocin. These neurotransmitters and hormones help to enhance your mood.

Spending time with your pet can also help with overall mental health in addition to boosting your mood. A pet can fulfill your need for touch, reducing anxiety. Pet owners are also much less likely to exhibit symptoms of depression, which is commonly associated with substance addiction.

Pets also help to boost physical health. Tending to another living being's needs increases awareness of the importance of self-care and having a dog can encourage regular exercise through walks or playing together. Human-animal interactions can also lead to improved immune systems, cardiovascular health, and even pain management.

Emotional Stability

Substance abuse and addiction can strain the trust and relationships of those around you, including your family and friends. Rehabilitation is a difficult enough process when you do have a support system, so lacking those connections can lead to emotional wounds and make you feel as if going through treatment isn’t worth it.

Pets can provide unconditional love and companionship during a difficult time. This level of affection is a welcome mood booster for people in a treatment facility, where it’s easy to feel isolated from the world around them. When your mood is more stable, it can be easier to stay positive about rehab.


Many people enter rehabilitation because they want to improve the quality of their lives and return to how things were before their substance use. However, remembering those goals isn’t always easy, especially when going through detox. A pet can serve as a concrete reminder of your life and what you’re fighting to return to.

For those who bring family pets along, you also have a direct connection to memories of your loved ones. These sorts of connections can provide much-needed inspiration to keep working hard throughout rehabilitation.


A dog-friendly rehab center will allow you to bring your pet along with you, but it remains your responsibility to take care of them. Your pet can keep you accountable, as needing to care for them ensures that you are also caring for yourself.

Having a living being that requires your care also helps create routines and structure. As these tend to dissipate as substance abuse takes over your life, your dog gives ongoing motivation to build new habits. Keeping up with your pet’s needs will simultaneously rebuild your sense of self-esteem.

Interpersonal Skills

Substance abuse can lead you to only think about what you can do to benefit yourself and further your addiction. Looking after your pet requires you to think about their needs as well as your own, which can help you rebuild empathy and remain conscious of others. These are substantial steps in recreating your interpersonal skills.

When you can have positive interactions with others, it’s easier to maintain your relationships and job, which in turn help further your recovery. Having a pet around throughout rehab also helps this by giving you a conversation starter when talking with other patients. The more positive relationships you have, the better support system you’ll have when it comes to maintaining your sobriety.

Seeking Out a Dog-Friendly Rehabilitation Program

With all of the benefits to having a furry friend with you in rehabilitation, it’s important to consider treatment facilities that allow pets to accompany their owners into rehab. However, many rehab centers have concerns about animals disturbing other patients or not having the resources to care for animals while their owners are in therapy.

Windmill Wellness Ranch recognizes the benefits of having your pet with you during treatment. Since we’re dedicated to doing everything possible to help improve treatment outcomes, we are committed to being a dog-friendly facility. You don’t have to face your rehabilitation alone. Bring your dog along to Windmill Wellness Ranch.

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