Ways to Improve Self-Esteem and Build a Healthy Self-Image

August 26th, 2020

For countless people, a positive self-image can be hard to come by. Having low feelings of self manifests in your health, your career, and your relationships. Oftentimes, this low self-esteem also trickles into increased anxiety and depression, among others. The catch for greater self-esteem is that it is no easy task and takes dedication as well as time. If improving your self-image is a priority, here are some of our recommendations.


Being active most of the week provides a myriad of benefits, including increased motivation and confidence. Having to set your schedule around exercising, and thus, engaging in self-care will positively take shape in both your physical and mental health. Whether it be a brisk walk or lifting heavy weights, anything that gets you moving and sweating will release endorphins. Of course, it stands to reason that you should choose an activity that you enjoy and will have no trouble sticking to. In addition to doing an enjoyable activity, exercise commitments are easier to stick to if you have a partner or group to engage with. 

Change Your Perspective

First, understand that nobody’s perfect, and we all make our fair share of mistakes. What happens after making a mistake is ultimately up to you. Many people often berate themselves unnecessarily for their mistakes, while many others recognize where they can (and can’t) improve so that such mistakes happen fewer times or not at all. Being self-aware of your mistakes and actively trying to change your outlook and initial reactions will take you far.

Second, getting into the habit of positive self-affirmations will have you appreciating yourself more and more. Take the time to list the qualities about yourself that you most enjoy. This could be done in your head, written down, or even set up in your phone as a reminder. Knowing your positive qualities in the right context will also serve to nurture your self-image. For instance, if you got rejected for a date, list what makes you great as a potential life partner.

Sleep and Nutrition

As was previously mentioned, exercising is a key way to improve your self-esteem. Equally important are your sleeping habits and general nutrition. Although the amount can differ by person, it’s generally accepted that 7 to 9 hours of sleep helps boost mental clarity and reduce anxiety. Coupled with great sleep is great nutrition, which takes much into consideration. Balancing a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables while low on junk food and artificial sweets can be daunting. This isn’t to say that there isn’t any room for reward, but rather to allow yourself these rewards in moderation. Keeping to a beneficial diet will not only provide you with good fuel to feel better about yourself but will also serve as a reminder that you’ve maintained a path of betterment.


The act of forgiving others doesn’t always come easy, whether it be family, an ex-love, a friend, or even yourself. Holding on to past feelings of anger, bitterness, or resentment certainly does not bode well for you in the long run. This is not to say that your feelings on past wrongs are not valid, but being able to forgive will ultimately redirect your feelings for the better. What may, in fact, be harder is the act of forgiving yourself. Feelings of shame or dissatisfaction towards oneself are difficult to absolve entirely rather than to hold onto them. But once you take the plunge and forgive yourself, there will be a huge weight lifted off of your shoulders and you’ll be able to focus on more important things.

Accepting Compliments

For one, being resistant to praise or compliments is highly indicative of low self-esteem. Even if the said compliment is neither embellished nor insincere, many will find discomfort upon receiving them. Compliments can reassure us in areas that we pride ourselves in — our appearance, work ethic, and numerous others. 

Instead of shying away from the praise, prepare responses that acknowledge what was said in a concise manner (e.g., “Thank you” or “Thanks! That makes me feel great to know that you feel that way”). After successfully implementing these responses a few times, the instinct to discard compliments will falter, thus showing how much your self-image has risen.  

Be of Service

Bringing about positive change in your own life can often begin by first bringing it to others. This could take the form of donating to those less fortunate, helping friends with favors, or volunteering at your local food bank. Many times, one can better recognize their worth when they’ve got something going on to be proud of. 

In volunteering time, one can also develop a sense of purpose that they may not be receiving from their various communities. You’ll start to feel a part of something greater and know that your contribution makes all the difference. Furthermore, when you take the time to help those that need it, your mind switches focus from your issues to their issues. 

Have a Solid Support Group

Going about anything alone can be extremely intimidating, especially when it involves something so personal as your self-image. That’s why it is especially important to surround yourself with people who care about you and want the best for you. This isn’t to say that your support network should be filled with yes-men; true friends and advocates will give feedback on whether they agree or disagree with your actions. What will be especially valuable is if they can give you responses that are constructive and genuine. Not only this, but your supporters will be able to recognize the milestones you achieve as your self-esteem prospers.

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