Maintaining Recovery in Quarantine

April 2nd, 2020

Humans thrive on connection and struggle without it. Connection has been recognized as one of the most important factors in recovery from addiction, including addiction to alcohol and other drugs, sex and love, gambling, spending, overeating, or anything else people turn to for escape. As many people shelter in place during this crisis, it is easier than ever to isolate and turn to addictive behaviors for temporary relief. For those who already suffer from addiction, this is a most dangerous impulse. For family members, the fear of a loved one’s addiction only adds to the burden of anxiety so many are facing right now. 

Many people recovering from addictions rely on the connection they find through recovery fellowships. When we are told to avoid gathering together, how can these connections be maintained? 

Luckily, we live in a connected time and place. Phone and Internet recovery meetings and social media groups are thriving for Twelve Step groups, SMART Recovery, Celebrate Recovery, or any of the other many recovery fellowships. Family members of people with addiction similarly rely on the support of groups like Al-Anon, Celebrate Recovery, and SMART Recovery Family & Friends. Remote meetings for these exist as well. Many phone and Internet meetings have been around for years, while others are springing up from scratch as people in recovery work together to maintain their sobriety and serenity in times that push in the other direction. Links for some of these meetings are at the end of this post. 

Additionally, most recovery fellowships publish literature in paper and online formats. From daily readers to in-depth how-to guides on recovery, there is a deep catalog of recovery reading to be done for those who suddenly find themselves with time on their hands. There are recovery speakers to be heard on YouTube and a great number of recovery podcasts, including one my wife and I have started for people in recovery and their families: Addiction and the Family at or on most podcast apps. 

Another great way to feel connected is to be of service to others. There are social media groups forming in many communities in which people who are in need post about help they need and those who can help support them. Service can also be as simple as posting positive and supportive messages on social media. Remember that social media and news algorithms are constantly refining what you are shown based on what you click and respond to. Thus, if you are constantly reading about the worst news, your feed will fill with such stories. If you click and respond to positive stories and recovery posts, you will start to see more of this in your timelines. My Twitter feed is a constant stream of positive recovery messages and opportunities to support others who are in recovery because that’s where I put my focus. Feel free to join me at @AddictionFamily.

Connection with self is equally important now, as always. This can be done through meditation, journaling, regular gratitude, yoga, and mindfulness. Preparing and eating a healthy meal is a reminder that you value yourself while giving yourself what your body needs to keep going in best health. 

As always, maintain your mental health. Windmill Wellness Ranch is continuing to support our alumni through phone calls and video meetings. We are conducting weekly online family workshops to help heal families in these difficult times. If you need support, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.  


Links to support groups

Recovery meetings for many fellowships: 

Online Addiction Resources

Alcoholics Anonymous:

SMART Recovery: SMART-Face-to-Face-Meetings-768320203.html?t=&u=BO1mO 

Narcotics Anonymous: results.php?country=Web&state&city&zip&street&within=5&day=0&lang&orderby=distance

Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous: 

Overeaters Anonymous:

Celebrate Recovery:

Debtors Anonynous:

Online Family Resources

SMART Recovery Family & Friends:


Celebrate Recovery:

Sign up for our FREE Family & Friends Course

Created specifically for those who have loved ones that struggle with addiction.